In Part III, I'll add be adding a few more things I'd love to see in the 6th Edition C:SM, some of which were inspired by the newer codices.
More Dakka!
C:DA has the Banner of Devastation that allows squads within 6 inches of the banner to fire their bolters as Salvo 2/4 weapons. Similarly, the new Tau codex created ways to allow Fire Warriors to fire more shots while also changing the rules for other weapons (e.g., burst cannons went from Assault 3 to Assault 4). The trend in 6th Edition codices is to make it easier for armies to bring more troops (by reducing their costs) and then giving them more firepower to shoot those troops down.
There are probably a few ways to increase Marines' firepower, although it's unlikely that the Astartes' venerable weapons would see the kind of changes that the Tau weapons did. It's a lot more likely that GW will maintain the weapons' stats while introducing upgrades or modifiers as they did with the Dark Angels' Banner of Devastation. One rumored change would make heavy bolters more appealing and increase their presence on the table...
Sternguard Heavy Bolters
Last year there was a rumor that heavy bolters might be revised and that several variations were in play testing. The rumor indicated that all heavy bolters might become Salvo 2/3 and that heavy bolters for certain elite units (e.g., Sternguard) would be upgradable to act as Assault 3 at 18" or Heavy 3 at 36". The other possibility was that normal heavy bolters would remain the same and that the Salvo 2/3 option would be the upgrade. While the rumored date of October 2012 fell through and the Dark Angels received no upgrade to their heavy bolters, I think it's still possible that Sternguard could be running around with mobile heavy bolters. This could explain why GW's Sternguard weapons pack includes a heavy bolter, which is the only heavy weapon in the kit.
Deathwatch Kill-teams, which were predecessors of the Sternguard, had a suspensor unit upgrade that made heavy bolters Assault 3 at 18". If the 1st Company Veterans do get such an upgrade, the implicit link between the Ordo Xenos' Deathwatch and the Sternguard would become even stronger. This is perfectly fine with me since I'm modelling two members of my in-progress Sternguard Squad with shoulder pads to show that they're Deathwatch Veterans. I've also included a heavy bolter in the squad in the event that this rumor is true.
Supporting Fire
Tau gained the Supporting Fire rule with their new codex. This rule allows friendly units within 6" of a charged unit to contribute to their Overwatch fire. I've been thinking that this idea could easily be applied to Space Marines in a fluffy way.
Among their various responsibilities, Vanilla Marine Tactical Squads are supposed to support other units; e.g., protecting Devastators or striking after an Assault Squad's initial charge. It would definitely fit their job description if Tactical Squads could provide Supporting Fire for charged units within 6". The fact that C:DA Tactical Squads don't have such an ability suggests that C:SM wouldn't get it either. However, Dark Angels put a lot of emphasis on their 1st and 2nd Companies, and even their other companies have entire squads of veterans. One could argue that Vanilla Marines depend on their Tactical Squads a lot more and entrust them with greater responsibilities; e.g., protecting other squads.
Alternatively (or additionally), it would make a lot of sense if a Combat Squad could provide Supporting Fire for its companion Combat Squad. In that case, I think we could start seeing 10 man Devastator Squads regularly split into Combat Squads with each squad supporting the other.
Considering that Codex-compliant Marines are supposed to fight as a cohesive force, it would only make sense that squads could support each other when one of their own is attacked.
Shooty Terminators
I've been using a five man squad of shooty Terminators from the Black Reach starter set almost since I started playing. On Bryce's advice, I converted one of them to carry an assault cannon, which is pretty much the only thing that makes the squad remotely worth its points.
There's several problems with shooty Terminators. First, a handful of storm bolters just isn't worth a whole lot, especially since the standard bolter isn't affected by movement under 6th Edition. Shooty Terminators try to be jacks of all trades; combining ranged attacks with strong close combat attacks but mastering neither. The fact that they have ranged weapons suggests that they should be put out in the open to take advantage of their guns but leaves them exposed to any number of AP2 weapons. Their 5+ invulnerable saves weren't much of an insurance policy when I played against three Obliterators firing plasma cannons during a recent game.
Compare the schizophrenia of the shooty Terminators to the single-mindedness of Assault Terminators. Assault Terminators are only geared for close combat; there's no temptation to let them roam outside of the safety of their Land Raider transport until they can assault. Each model can choose to take lightning claws to increase his number of attacks and to re-roll fails to wound or he can take the thunder hammer and storm shield combination. The latter is identical to the shooty Terminator's power fist in terms of number of attacks and strength, but the 3+ invulnerable save can be a lifesaver for both the wielder and his squadmates.
Second, the only close combat weapon in a shooty Terminator squad that doesn't strike at I1 is the Sergeant's power sword. Now that 6th Edition power weapons have AP values, the Sergeant has become an extremely mediocre model with a storm bolter and a Strength 4 weapon that does little against Terminator armor, artificer armor, etc. For the same cost, an Assault Terminator Sergeant has the same weapons options as his squad, all of which are better than the power sword/storm bolter combination.
Shooty Terminators could be improved in several ways. First, give the Sergeant a decent weapon like a relic blade. AP3 isn't so bad when it's Strength 6. Second, allow a five man shooty Terminator Squad to carry two heavy weapons, two heavy flamers, or a mix. Being able to replace two out of five storm bolters with more potent weapons could make Marine players more willing to take shooty Terminators over Assault Terminators.
Another possibility appeals to me even more; allow Codex-compliant Marines to emulate the Dark Angels and merge the two types of Terminator Squads. The idea of running a ten man Terminator Squad with three thunder hammer/storm shield models, five models with lightning claws, and two models with heavy weapons and power fists makes me giddy. Oh, and throw in a Terminator Chaplain for extra fun.
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I want this squad |
This last option would probably step on C:DA's toes a bit too much for GW's tastes, but a Vanilla Marine player can dream, can't he?
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